Bitcoin for the Filipinos and the Philippines

Snapshots from the latest lecture held at the House of Representatives

Association of Congressional Chiefs of Staff | May 25, 2023.

Spoke today before the officers and members of the Assoc. of Chiefs of Staff of the House of Representatives. I emphasized the importance of understanding the Bitcoin monetary system as a transmission network for exchanging value; how it’s going to disrupt the entire financial system the way sending sending messages, listening to music, and watching videos were altered by the internet; and how Filipinos, organizations, and institutions at local and national levels could begin the process of understanding how to approach this ongoing transformation to benefit themselves and their constituents.
As expected, got some very deep, grounded, and practical questions from this knowledgeable and influential group.
As regards the Philippine government, one question I highlighted was: “what do you to a global, permissionless, immutable, monetary system you cannot shut down?”

Onwards. Stay curious. Remain skeptical, but be open-minded.